Job proposal: Assistant professor position in Latin American Economics
Assistant professor position in Latin American Economics
Full time, « tenure », Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – PILAS
(Paris Institute of Latin American Studies)
DEADLINE April 1st, 2014, 16h (GMT Paris)
Job description : Assistant professor position in Latin American Economics
Section : 05ème
Catégorie : MCF
Emploi n° : 0339
Profil : Economie de l'Amérique latine
Key words: Latin American Economics, development economics
Formal requirements :
The candidate must hold a PhD in economics.
Languages: fluent French, Spanish and/or Portuguese.
(in case of lack of French fluency, we are willing to offer the position to a candidate who will commit to become proficient in French during the first year of his appointment, tenure will depend on that).
Scientific areas and fields:
Scientific expertise in development economics.
Expertise in Latin America
We would appreciate some expertise in Andean countries
-Research in the context of the interdisciplinary CREDA-lab (sociology, political science, anthropology, geography, history and economics)
We will particularly appreciate previous experience in transdisciplinary research projects.
-We expect the candidate to have teaching experience at University level.
Teaching activity : 5 classes per year for masters degree programs.
We’ll appreciate previous experience in teaching quantitative methods, either for students in economics or in other social sciences.
Tutoring for students (especially for research projects).
Residence : the appointed professor must reside in Paris from September 2014.
Salary: See the ministry’s webpage on assistant professors’ career development
Tenure is given after one or two years.
Paris Institute of Latin American Studies (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle- Paris 3)
Research lab: CREDA. The lab has developed numerous partnerships with institutions in France, Europe, Latin America and the US.
Deadline: April 1st, 2014, 16h (4:00 p.m. GMT Paris). Applications must be filled online on the Higher Education ministry’s website: Galaxie. Â
The selected candidates will be auditioned on May 14th, 2014, at PILAS, 28 rue Saint Guillaume, 75007 Paris.
For more information on the position: please contact PILAS director, Sébastien Velut, and our website.