The Pierre-Monbeig Library

Established in 1956, the Pierre-Monbeig Library is the first French research library specialised in social sciences regarding the cultural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. It enjoys the status of library associated to the University Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle and it is also associated to the French National Library. The Pierre-Monbeig Library is part of a number of specialised networks, particularly at the European level, and is directly involved in the European Network for Information and Documentation about Latin America, REDIAL. Today the Pierre Monbeig Library holds a collection of rare and specialised books on different social and human sciences spanning economics, politics, history, anthropology, geography, arts, i.a.
The collections cover Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America. You will find about 100.000 monographs, 1.000 titles of periodical publications – between current (450) and discontinued publications -, Master and PhD theses, and a collection of geographic maps in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English. Several important donations continue to enrich the Library collections. Among the most generous donors: Roger Bastide, Marcel Bataillon, Fernand Braudel, Roger Caillois, Julio Cortazar, Pierre Monbeig, Alain Rouquié, Alain Touraine. More donations are under inventory.
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