IHEAL Publications
Jointly managed by the IHEAL (University Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris 3) and the Centre for Research and Documentation on the Americas (CREDA – UMR 7227, University Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris-3/CNRS), the IHEAL Editions have been publishing works on human and social sciences about Latin America for more than 50 years, privileging multidisciplinary approaches to the analysis of the challenging dynamics featuring this region. Distributed by the Direction of legal and administrative information, the IHEAL collections enjoy a wide international reputation.
- Cahiers des Amériques Latines
- Collection : « Works and Master theses »
- Collection « Chrysalides »
- French-Brazilian Journal of Geography : “Confins”
- Joint publications
- Publications by the Institute of the Americas (« Institut des Amériques »)