Specific Partnerships
University and scientific partnerships
BRAZIL Saint-Hilaire Programme: support to Frech-Brazilian cooperation in social and human sciences, via the publication of scientific works in French and Portuguese focussed on Brazilian contemporary issues.
Contact : Hervé Thery
COLOMBIA Institute of High-Studies for Development (Bogota) en www.iaed.com.co in partnership with the University Externado and the French Embassy.
- Joint-Diploma “Maestría en Análisis de Problemas Políticos, Económicos e Internacionales Contemporáneos”
- Teaching Personnel Mobility
- Student Mobility
Contact : Pierre Gerstlé
COSTA RICA PhD Programme in social sciences in partnership with the French Regional Cooperation
Teaching Personnel Mobility
Contact : Mercedes Muñoz
CUBA Programme supporting macro-economic management in Partnership with the University of La Havana and the French Embassy
Teaching Personnel Mobility (workshop) + "Cotutelle" in economics
Contact : Carlos Quenan
PEROU François Bourricaud Prize for research in Social and Human Sciences. This prize is endowed every year to a young Peruvian researcher, in partnership with the French Embassy.
Laureate 2012 : Alessandra IPINCE
Theme: "¿Ser o tener Asperger? Sentido de identidad y normalidad en cinco adultos diagnosticados con el Síndrome de Asperger"
URUGUAY Fondation Polo Mercosur (FPM) – IdA Pole www.polomercosur.org .Paris 3/IHEAL: founding member together with the University Paris 8 and University Toulouse 2
Contact FPM : Fernando Lema (President)
Bertrand Le Fur (IHEAL PhD candidtae – IdA Pole Coordinator)
Carlos Quenan (Iheal - Creda)
VENEZUELA Luis Castro Leiva and Fernand Braudel Prizes
Supporting research in social sciences, in partnership with the French Embassy and the University Simon Bolivar
Contact Iheal-Creda : Polymnia Zagefka
Leiva Prize 2013 - Call for candidatures: 11 February 2013
EUROPE International Master
In partnership with the University of Salamanca (IIA), the University of Vienna (LAI) and the Warsaw University (CESLA).
Student Mobility (5 per partner)
Teaching Personnel Mobility (1 to 2 per year and per partner)
Contact Iheal-Creda: Georges Couffignal International Master Director
Office of International Relations International Master administrative management
United States of America University of California – Berkeley
Teaching Personnel Mobility (incoming and outgoing) – Stays of 3 months per year and per partner over 3 years
Contact : Office of International Relations - IHEAL
Institutional Partnerships
On 22 March 2012 the IHEAL and the OEA Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) signed an Agreement.
The main purpose of this agreement is to establish a general cooperation framework between the two institutions, creating a strategic alliance to exchange experiences, raise awareness on the importance of political and electoral participation, i.a., as well as to support member states in their efforts to strengthen initiatives aimed at improving the quality of democratic and voting institutions.
Specific objectives:
- Participation of IHEAL teaching and administrative personnel, researchers and students in OEA electoral observation missions.
- Collaboration between the two parties teams on the development of methods of electoral analysis and observation.
1. IHEAL: a major actor in European networks focused on Latin America (CEISAL, REDIAL)
The bulk of IHEAL-CREDA cooperation with its European partners specialised in Latin America is centred on two actions:
Active participation in CEISAL in CEISAL (Conseil européen des recherches en sciences sociales sur l’Amérique latine)
Development of REDIAL (Réseau européen de documentation et information sur l’Amérique latine)
In April 2007 the IHEAL-CREDA was elected member of the CIESAL Bureau. IHEAL-CREDA researchers, teaching and information staff regularly contribute to scientific works and events of this Network (e.g. CIESAL Congresses of 2004 and 200è held respectively in Bratislava and Brussels; CIESAL yearly Fora).
The IHEAL-CREDA hosted the 2008 CIESAL Forum (20-21 June). This event aimed at making a state of the art on Latin American studies in different European countries, in the various fields of social sciences. Among the participants in this Forum:
Germany: Klaus Bodemer (Hambourg) et Barbara Göebel (Berlin)
Austria: Martin Coy (Innsbruck)
Spain: Miguel Carrera (Salamanca)
France: Georges Couffignal, Olivier Dabène, and Claude Bataillon
The Netherlands: Dirk Kruijt (Leiden)
REDIAL ("Réseau européen d’information et documentation sur l’Amérique latine", European Network for Information and documentation on Latin America) is an association among 43 European libraries and documentation centres specialised in Latin America, based in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, The Nederlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, Slovak republic, Sweden and Switzerland.
REDIAL is a meeting platform facilitating communication, cooperation and information exchange among European researchers, librarians and documentarists working in Latin American human and social sciences. REDIAL promotes and feeds several European research and information data bases.
It also publishes an electronic bulletin and a magazine, see: http://www.red-redial.net
IHEAL-CREDA ensures the coordination of the network.
In 2008 the following data bases have been updated:
- Theses defended in European universities on Latin-American subjects;
- Index of European magazines specialised on the Americas
- Virtual library. Documents in integral text
- Research Units
- Course of 2nd and 3rd cycle given in Europe
- Resource centres offering documents on Latin America
- European researchers specialised in Latin-America
- European Bookmarks on Latin America (E-Samba)
IHEAL-CREDA's selected achievements with REDIAL since 2005:
Establishment of the portal http://www.red-redial.net and relevant technology transfer. The Spanish portal created on the European model, can already be visited at http://www.americanismo.es.
The e-information bulletin "Puentes para un diálogo : Europa-América Latina" has been thoroughly reviewed and its functioning improved. An interactive page has been especially created for the scientific community (http://www.red-redial.net/colabora/index.php). The e-bulletin, issued from the web-site América Latina, Portal Europeo is distributed every fortnight in more than 3.000 copies.
The European magazine "Anuario Americanista Europe" designed and developed by the IHEAL-CREDA, keeps growing. It increasingly contributes to put into closer relation research and scientific information sectors.
2- International Poles of the IdA: focus on the American continent
The IHEAL and the CREDA are stakeholders of the "Institut des Amériques" (IdA), an institution ambitoning to become a European central "pole" for research and documentation in social sicences covering the whole of the American continent (North-, South-, Cetral-America and the Caribbean, common issues).
Within the Institut des Amériques , the IHEAL-CREDA are strongly involved in furthering the implementation of « international poles » focused on the American continent, with a view to ensuring a better reach out of French research on the Americas and the promotion of French academic teaching system, while contributing to the creation of European-Latin-American space for academic teaching and research (e.g. the EU-ALCUE programme, launched in 2001).
The IHEAL-CREDA and the University Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 are founding membres of IdA first international "pole": the "Polo Mercosur" (established in 2004 inMontevideo).
7 new poles are currently being developed in Latin America (Bogota, Lima, Mexico, San José de Costa Rica, Sao Paulo, Belém, Santo-Domingo) and others in Canada and the USA.
Prizes to support research in social sciences
The IHEAL-CREDA, in cooperation with French Embassies in various Latin American countries (Colombia, Peru, Venezuela), leads a policy supporting social sciences research, through the award of specific prizes to both French and Latin-American researchers.
- Luis Castro Leiva / Prix Fernand Braudel Prizes (Venezuela)
- François Bourricaud Prize (Peru)
- Ascun Prize (Colombia)