Incoming students
Students enrolled at a foreign university wishing to come to study at IHEAL, can choose among the following three admission procedures:
1- Incoming students on an exchange programme
Students enrolled in a foreign university are entitled to come to spend a term at IHEAL, on a student exchange programme (International agreement, ERASMUS scheme, MICEFA, CREPUQ).
International students (outside EU), most notably Latin-Americans, can attend a “cursus” (i.e. one or more courses from the same or different taught programmes) either on a Master or as a PhD candidate, based on an agreement with a partner university (see list of IHEAL university partners).
Any academic course followed at IHEAL will be credited toward the student home university, thanks to a previously signed agreement.
Notice that students’ terms spent at IHEAL do not lead to a French diploma.
Requirements for Incoming students on a Master programme
- Have completed at least a Master (5 years) in one of the subjects taught at IHEAL
- Be enrolled in a PhD or Post-Doc programme
- Have a good knowledge of French (spoken and written)
The access to IHEAL services is free (library, multimedia room, etc.)
Foreign PhD candidates can equally spend a semester or a shorter-term at IHEAL (within the framework of an international agreement) and can be part of the Institute research groups with free access to the library. They can attend specific courses as "auditeur libres", i.e. as students that follow a course with no obligation of being formally enrolled, nor to pass a final exam. In this case, they cannot take any French language course.
For more information, pls. see the Office of International Relations
2- Incoming students on an individual candidature
International students can take a Master or a PhD programme at IHEAL out of a student exchange agreement on an individual basis. In this case, students obtain a French diploma from IHEAL.
For information on the enrolment, pls. click on the taught course of your choice:
Call for applications for the beginning of next academic year 2013-2014 Deadline to submit applications to IHEAL: 03/12/2012 Contact: Rebeca Ornelas |
3- PhD "Co-tutelle" Format
The "co-tutelle" is a scheme allowing a student to carry out his/her research work under two thesis directors: one in France and the second a foreign country. The two directors jointly exercise their functions on the PhD candidate who has to work in both universities on an alternate basis.
The co-tutelle leads to a single thesis (in one of the two countries) that can be defended in one of the two national languages and entitles the student to two separate PhD diplomas.
- A PhD Diploma from the university Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3
- A title equivalent to a French PhD Diploma in the partner country
Administrative Procedure
Admission to a PhD co-tutelle programme at IHEAL passes through the following two steps:
- Preparation and submission of the application to the PhD programme to the University PhD Office ("Service des doctorats")
- Preparation and submission of the application to the PhD cotutelle programme to the University PhD Office ("Service des doctorats")
For more information on the co-tutelle PhD programme
For more information on PhD programme at IHEAL
List of Research directors at IHEAL
PhD Office at the Ecole Doctorale 122 "Europe latine – Amérique latine" (PhD centre 122, Europe-Latin America)
Contact service des doctorats